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alevel语法:交际用语 - 邀请

2017-11-21 10:46:59 1303人已读

今天课窝A/Olevel考试网小编给alevel考生们带来alevel考试语法:交际用语 - 邀请。很多同学不知道alevel考什么?掌握好了alevel考试语法,会很容易的理解文章的意思,你就离alevel高分更近了一步。alevel语法不仅可以提高你的alevel考试成绩,对你的出国留学的申请和留学生活都会有很大的帮助。如果你有alevel考试相关的问题,请关注课窝A/Olevel考试网,或者直接访问课窝A/Olevel考试网在线咨询。


A. Invitations:
1、Would you like to come to my birthday party?
2、Will you be able to come to my birthday party?
3、I'd be very glad if you would come to my birthday party.
4、Can you 
fix a time for a picnic?
5、Are you free tomorrow? What (How) about having a picnic?
6、Won't you come with me?
7、You will come to have dinner with me, won't you?

B. Responses:
1、I'd be glad to, thank you.
2、It's very kind of you to invite me.
3、I'd like to, but I'm too busy.
4、Thank you for your kind invitation, I will.
5、I'm afraid not. I will have to 
look after my sick mother.
6、I'm sorry, I can't. Thank you very much.



1、—Would you like to come around for a meal on my birthday?
—Oh, yes. Thank you very much. ______
A.When is your birthday? B.What day is your birthday?
C.When were you born? D.What time is your birthday?

2、—Have you got anything to do tomorrow?
— ______.
A.Yes, a lot of B.No, I won't be busy C.Certainly have D.Oh, that's a pity

3、—Would you like to come to the cinema, Frank?
— ______ I have to do my homework.
A.I don't, I'm afraid. B.I can't, I'm afraid. C.I'm sorry. D.Oh, pity!

4、—Helen, I'd be glad if you would come and have tea with us on Friday.
— ______.
A.I try to go B.Many thanks for your kind invitation, I will
C.I am very busy D.I must go

5、—How about going to "Grand" for dinner?
— ______. It's a long time since we had a good meal.
B.That sounds like a good idea
C.Thank you
D.But I'm too busy

6、—Do you have to go? Can't you stay and have a meal?
— ______ I really think I must be off now.
A.I'd love to, but B.Yes, I must
C.No, I don't have to but D.Yes, I can, but

7、—Would you like to come to the party tomorrow?
— ______.
A.I'd like B.I like it C.I'd like to D.I'd like it

8、—Will you be able to come and see us on Friday?
— ______. I will have to work.
A.I believe yes B.I don't hope so C.I won't be able to D.I'm afraid not

9、—Shall I call for you or will you call for me?
—You'd better call for me, ______?
A.can you B.OK C.really D.would you

10、—Would you like to come to dinner tonight?
—I'd like to, ______ I'm too busy.
A.and B.so C.as D.but


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. D



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