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A-level考试须知:关于A Level经济essay question答题技巧介绍

2018-03-15 09:32:21 1112人已读

  英国A-level学校,从教学质量上来看私立学校更占优势,大部分中国留学生也选择私立学校来读,不过一般都是提前一年来申请学校。中国目前也有20几所A-level学校,每年也同样有走进剑桥牛津等世界顶级大学的学生。所以在国外和在国内都可以选择A-level学校来学习。在前面关于A-level选校的问题已经详细介绍过,那么今天A-level考试网小编主要想介绍的是:关于A Level经济essay question答题技巧介绍。如果您想了解alevel补习,alevel培训教材,alevel模考,alevel课程有年龄限制等关于A-level考试的相关资讯,请继续浏览并关注课窝A-level考试网。

  谈及A Level的经济学考试,绝大多数的考生最担心的并不是CIE9708的选择题试卷,或者Edexcel Unit1和Unit2的前八道选择题。A Level经济学的考纲决定了考查内容的局限性,每年的选择题试卷中都会出现和之前历年真题中相近、甚至是相同的题目。因此,如果能提早收集到往年试卷的题目,并且认真“刷题”,选择题一般都能得到比较好的成绩。

  然而更多的担心来自于论述题的试卷,无论是data response,还是之后25分的mini essay,都让很多考生挝耳挠腮。一方面是自身英文写作的功底,另一方面的痛苦来源于不知道该如何安排组织自己的essay。

  要去克服对于essay question的恐惧并且争取拿到A的成绩,我们需要从几个不同方面着手解决:

  A Level经济essay question Knowledge and Content

  对于AS的学生而言,课程的内容相对比较有限,出现在历年考试中的考点也就更为有限 (different economic system, market - demand and supply, elasticity, market failure & elasticity, production possibility curve & economic growth, exchange rate & term of trade, tax & subsidy, etc),所以考生需要从里到外了解这些知识点。然而对于A2的考生来说,出了对于课本知识的了解之外,还需要持续吸收并且使用最新的世界经济案例,甚至是数据来获得批卷老师的青睐并且给你的考试加分。

  A Level经济essay question Structure

  经济论文的写作和中文的作文有比较大的不同,这里不能天马行空想到哪里写到哪里,因为A Level考试中的毕竟是academic writing,所以结构就显得尤为重要。



  A Level经济essay question Evaluation

  这是希望在经济考试中取得A的同学最后需要攻克的一块阵地。Evaluation requires you to adopt a balance approach, to reason out and explain your arguments and to demonstrate an awareness of different points of view (aka critical thinking)。通过这个关于Evaluation的诠释不难看出在这里考生需要拥有足够的辩证思维能力,客观平衡的去分析问题,并且指出自己之前回答的疏忽和不足。下面,为了能更直观的帮助考生掌握evaluation的能力,我们提出几点帮助意见:

  Wider context and bigger picture。无论是micro还是macro的考试,在回答中都需要放开眼界去看大局。例:分析‘China’s increasingly developed workforce will result in improved standard of living for its citizens’。随着workforce的发展,labour productivity会增强,进而之带来GDP的提高和整体national income和living standard的增加,这是绝大多数考生都能答出的,但是从全局上还有什么further implication呢。

  ‘ As employment levels continue to rise, the pool of available workers may become increasingly scarce. As a result the bargaining strength of workers may rise such that they demand not only higher wages but also improvement in non-pecuniary factors such as better health and safety regulation. Should these costs begin to rise, China will risk losing its principal comparative advantage of low cost labour, thus weaken its position in international trading’

  Equality。从公平性的角度出发,考虑不同行为人是否因为某种经济决策而受到影响。例如:分析 ‘Impact of higher interest rates on the distribution of income’。从monetary policy的角度出发,大家不难得出一个结论:high interest rate increase MPS and discourage household or business from applying loan from financial market due to increased cost of borrowing。然而除了这样一条chain of reasoning,考生依然需要考虑到对于其他stakeholders的影响。

  ‘Some people may benefit from a rise in interest rates. Savers, and in particular, pensioners and others who are reliant on fixed income (这里考察到了对于现实经济信息的了解) will benefit from increased returns on their savings. Accordingly, their disposable income will rise.’

  Time。在evaluation环节,需要考虑到不同时间周期对于某种经济决策的影响,以及长短期内会产生的不同后果,这点尤为重要。例如:分析 ‘supply side policy’。在说完supply side policy的定义、实施手段、与demand side policy的区别,以及对于economic growth所产生的影响,画完相应的AS/AD图像之后,还需要考虑到长期和短期的不同。

  ‘In theory, government sponsored retaining programs should equip the country’s workforce with better skills and in turn lead to the economy becoming more efficient and productive and so shifting the LRAS to the right. However, as well as there being no guarantee of increased efficiency and productivity, it should also be recognized that such policies will only have an effect (if any) in the long run and will not translate into quick fix which the economy so desperately needs at present’

  上面的三种方法,我们可以将其总结为WET Evaluation Approach,但是除此以外,还有很多提高evaluation有效性和合理性的手段。例如考虑到影响范围(scope of consequence),优先顺序(prioritization),影响大小(scale and magnitude),不考虑“ceteris paribus”会发生什么,不同学派的思考(schools of thoughts)等等。





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